And we arrived very early in the morning to Rio de Janeiro! Whenever Brazil is mentioned abroad, the first city that comes to the mind of most foreigners is Rio... And most of them usually think it's the capital of Brazil... :) They are not completely far off in this assumption! The first capital of Brazil was Salvador (in Bahia), until 1763, when the government was transferred to Rio de Janeiro. The city only lost its position as capital of the country in 1960, when it was again transferred to the newly built Brasília, in the middle of the country...
O aeroporto Santos Dumont fica bem na cidade, o que facilitou nossa visita de um dia. Mas dá um medo ao aterrisar, pois parece que a pista é curta demais e o avião vai cair na água. Nada disso, no final, é bem seguro!
Santos Dumont airport, where we landed, is very near downtown, which made our one-day-visit easier. But MJ and I were a little afraid of the landing, as from the top the lane seems way too short to allow the aircraft to stop on time. We couldn't be more wrong: we landed safely!
E tenho uma confissão a fazer: existe uma 'rivalidade' tradicional entre paulistas e cariocas. Cariocas adoram falar mal de São Paulo, e vice-versa. Como uma típica paulistana, admito que não sou fã do Rio de Janeiro. É uma cidade linda, mas não gosto do cheiro e, principalmente do trânsito!... Se em São Paulo o problema são os engarrafamentos, no Rio são os carros estacionados nos passeios e a velocidade! Sempre que ando de carro ou ônibus no Rio, me vejo rezando durante todo o trajeto, rsrs...
Ok, now I have a confession to make: there is a 'traditional' rivalry between 'paulistas' (people from São Paulo) and 'cariocas' (people from Rio). 'Cariocas' love to bash São Paulo, and vice-versa. As a typical 'paulistana' (even if I now live in Minas), I admit not being a huge fan of Rio de Janeiro... Yes, it IS a beautiful city, but I don't like the way it smells and, above all, its traffic!... If in São Paulo the main problem is that the traffic doesn't flow due to the constant 'jams', in Rio the problem are the cars parking on any sidewalks and the speed they drive! Whenever I ride a bus or car in Rio I 'catch myself' praying all the way... :)
Mas a MJ discordou totalmente de mim!!!! Adorou a cidade! A paisagem, os locais que visitamos, as praias, as pessoas! Achou o carioca alegre, hospitaleiro e gentil. Bem, se ela está feliz, missão cumprida, não é? :)
But MJ's opinion couldn't be more different!!! She absolutely loved the city! The landscape, the places we visited, the beaches, the people! She thinks the 'cariocas' are happy, friendly and nice. Well, if she is happy, mission accomplished, right? :)
Do aeroporto, nossa primeira parada foi o símbolo reconhecido internacionalmente como "Rio de Janeiro", claro! O famosíssimo Cristo Redentor! MJ fez questão de posar como o Cristo, quando viu que é uma pose 'clássica' entre os turistas. Ficou bonitinha, né? :)
As soon as we left the airport, we went straight to the symbol which is recognized internationally as "Rio de Janeiro", of course! The extremely famous "Cristo Redentor" (Christ statue, on top of "Corcovado" Hill)! MJ insisted on posing like the statue, when she realized it one of the favorite 'poses' among tourists visiting the place. She actually looks very cute, doesn't she? :)
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vista da cidade a partir do Redentor View of the city from the Redentor. |
There are countless touristic places to visit in Rio, and obviously we would not have enough time to visit them all in only one day. We didn't even consider the lively nightlife, shows, nightclubs, theaters, musicals, etc. So, we had to maximize our time there, and now another confession: I wanted to visit some places which will help me in my research for the end of the 19th century store I'm building in 1/12th scale. So I chose to visit Quinta da Boa Vista. When the Portuguese Royal Family arrived to Brazil in 1808, this Manor belonged to the wealthy slaves dealer Elias Antonio Lopes, who had it built in 1803. Built on top of a hill, it had a beautiful view of Guanabara Bay back then - which originated its name ("Beautiful View Manor"). It went through some remodeling and enhancing, but it was the royal family's "home" until the proclamation of the Republic, in 1898. Now it works as a park, a museum and it also has a zoo.
Para chegar ao próximo marco que escolhi, passamos pelo Sambódromo, onde ocorrem os famosos desfiles de carnaval. Como não estamos na época, a MJ nem quis posar para foto, achou muito vazio e sem graça, rsrs... Fica muito mais animado durante o Carnaval, sem dúvida!
To arrive at the next landmark I chose, we passed by the 'Sambódromo', where carnival parades take place. Well, carnival only happens in February or March, so MJ didn't even care to pose for a picture. She thought it was too empty and plain, lol... I agree that it looks very different during Carnival!
Chegamos ao Jardim Botânico. Outra criação de D. João VI assim que chegou ao Rio, em 1808, com a finalidade de aclimatar as plantas de especiarias oriundas das Índias Orientais: noz-moscada, canela e pimenta-do-reino. Uma das mais belas e bem preservadas áreas verdes da cidade, é um exemplo da diversidade da flora brasileira e estrangeira. Nele podem ser observadas cerca de 6 500 espécies (algumas ameaçadas de extinção). Absolutamente magnífico!
We arrived to the Botanical Garden. This is another creation of D. João VI, as soon as he got to Rio in 1808. The primary goal was to adjust spice plants from the "Eastern Indies" to the country: nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper. One of the most beautiful and well preserved green areas of the city, it's an example of the diversity of the original flora of the area and also has some foreign species. There are about 6,500 species, some even endangered. Absolutely magnificent!
Então fomos visitar o outro "lado" da cidade, um contraste que começou desde o tempo do final do Império: as favelas. Há visitas guiadas em algumas delas, e o governo vem promovendo ações de 'pacificação' (remoção de traficantes e apoio à comunidade) desde 2008, sendo que a Rocinha foi a primeira a passar por esta 'limpeza'. As moradias são modestas mas a vista até que é bonita!
Next, we took a guided tour to see the other 'side' of the city, a contrast that started right after the end of slavery: the slums. The government has been trying hard since 2008 to remove the criminals from them and bring some social assistance too. 'Rocinha', the largest one, was the first to suffer this kind of intervention. The dwellings are very modest, but the view is amazing!
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Favela da Rocinha Rocinha Slum |
Going down the hill, we finally spent some time at one of the most famous beaches of Rio and of Brazil, actually: Copacabana! This neighborhood was on its prime during the 50's and 60's, but it's still a beautiful place to visit. MJ would say so, as she loved to enjoy the beach, finally. After a couple of ours just relaxing under the umbrella, sipping coconut water and enjoying the view, we unfortunately had to go on. She changed her clothes into a more comfortable outfit for walking and we visited downtown area...
Passeamos pelos Arcos da Lapa. É um lugar fascinante, por reunir bem próximo o antigo e o moderno. Originalmente um aquaduto que trazia água potável do Rio Carioca para a cidade, atualmente passa sobre ele um bonde. Foi construído ainda no século 18, e várias construções da Lapa são daquela data. Mas há muitos prédios modernos por perto também. Já apareceu em filmes e até em um episódio do extinto seriado de TV CSI Miami!
First we visited 'Lapa arches'. It's a fascinating place, as you can see around it the old and the new. Originally an aqueduct meant to bring water from Carioca River to the city, it was build in the 18th century and several buildings near it are from that time or from the 19th century. But there are also some very modern buildings nearby too. This structure has been shown in American movies and TV Shows like the defunct CSI Miami!
Nossa última visita foi à Cinelândia. Ganhou este nome na década de 50, porque então havia lá vários cinemas e teatros. Com a vinda dos shoppings, os cinemas foram todos para dentro deles, só sobrando o Odeon. Mas a região é linda. Reflete uma época, no início do século 20, quando o prefeito abriu largas avenidas, fez vários aterros (ganhando cidade sobre o mar) e construíu vários prédios no estilo do Teatro Municipal com a intenção de tornar o Rio de Janeiro o mais parecido possível com Paris. Mas governos posteriores mudaram de idéia e estética e o Rio deixou de ser a Paris tropical... Mas vários prédios da época continuam lá.
Our last stop was 'Cinelândia' (Movieland). The area got this name in the 50's, as there were several movie theaters there. With the advent of shopping malls, most moved into them, looking for safety, and now there's only one left. But the area is very beautiful. It's a reminder of a time when, in the beginning of the 20th century, the mayor back then decided to remodel the city to make it look like a 'tropical Paris'. But the governments that followed disagreed and completely changed the style of buildings in the city, so Rio is no longer a 'tropical Paris'... But several buildings still stand, like the Municipal Theater.
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A Cinelândia e o Theatro Municipal |
As it was getting late, we decided to head back to the airport and take the last flight to our next destination, instead of sleeping in the city. This way we wouldn't have to wake up so early to catch the first flight of the day... ;)
Amanhã: Ouro Preto, MG.
Tomorrow: Ouro Preto, MG.
Dicas de segurança para visitar o Rio de Janeiro e outras cidades:
1) Evite sair sozinho, prefira excursões recomendadas por seu agente de confiança.
2) Informe-se sobre a área que pretende visitar, para saber se é segura.
3) Evite ostentação: nada de jóias, brincos, relógios, etc. Até mesmo bijuteria é melhor evitar. Quer parecer bem na foto? Sorria! :)
4) Evite câmeras caras. Modelos mais simples hoje em dia tiram fotos excelentes.
5) Fique SEMPRE de olho nos seus pertences. Se na Europa bolsas ou sacolas desacompanhadas podem ser destruídas pela polícia (temendo bombas), por aqui elas são logo roubadas por ladrões que, ao contrário de você, estavam sempre de olho, esperando a oportunidade!
6) Ladrões conseguem 'detectar' turistas de longe, pelo andar distraído e, principalmente, pela roupa 'de férias' que adoram usar. Use roupas discretas.
Safety tips to visit Rio de Janeiro (and other cities in general):
1) Avoid making excursions on your own. Choose guided tours recommended by a travel agent you trust.
2) If you really prefer to go alone, get information about the area, check if it's safe to visit.
3) Avoid to display signs of 'wealthy': no jewelry, necklaces, earrings, watches, etc. Even imitations might attract the greed of thieves. Do you want to look good in the pictures? Smile! :)
4) Avoid carrying expensive photographic equipment. There are good 'inexpensive' digital cameras nowadays.
5) ALWAYS keep your belongings close to you and keep an eye on them at all times. If in Europe unattended bags might be 'exploded' by the police (fearing bombs), here they are stolen by thieves who, unlike you, have been paying close attention, waiting for the first opportunity to take them!
6) Thieves can spot tourists from a great distance, by the distracted look and, specially, the 'flashy' tropical clothes/shirts. Do NOT wear those, please! Keep a low profile.
Aqui você pode ver um vídeo que conta a história do Rio de Janeiro. Muito interessante!
Here you can watch a video that tells the history of Rio. Even though it's narrated in Portuguese, it's rich in pictures and scenes. Enjoy! :)
Thank you again Evelyne for another great day of tourist hot spots! I saw that Manor on a travel show recently. So glad MJ got to visit Copacobana, that was my choice too...and the giant Statue (she looks very good there). Love the little outfit of her shorts and girls will be so tired!
ResponderExcluirMy pleasure, Jazzi!
ExcluirI admit I'm a little tired, as I'm not a teenager anymore, lol! but it's so worth it!!
Now MJ's batteries are fully charged, after her 3-week 'forced rest' at customs... If it was up to her, we would go to shows and enjoy the nightlife at all cities too, lol....
Wonderful, informative post. I still consider Rio de Janeiro the most beautiful city I've ever seen.
ResponderExcluirHugs, Drora
Drora, what a delightful surprise to learn you have already visited Brazil. This is super-cool!!!