I spent the past two weeks reorganizing my "messtudio" (as my mom calls it...) Now that I know where everything is, I don't waste a lot of time searching each item just to, when I finally find it, end up giving up, so now working is a lot faster and way more fun!
Com isso, acabei retomando pequenos projetos que ficaram encostados por anos! Desde que fiz minha primeira Dollhouse, por exemplo, tinha já feito a impressão de quadros que queria usar nas paredes da casa. Mas acabei encostando este projeto. Bem, a culpa não tinha sido só da "bagunça" ou da falta de espaço na época... Na primeira compra que fiz numa loja do exterior comprei tiras de madeira para fazer as molduras do quadro. São tiras de uns 40, 50 cm. Mandei entregar no hotel onde meu irmão ficou hospedado na época, assim economizaria frete. Não é que a criatura teve a "brilhante" idéia de quebrar as varetas em 3 pedaços para "caber na mala"???? Aaarrrghhh!!! Que raiva deu!!! Tanta raiva que deixei encostado por dois anos até ter coragem de olhar para os pedaços e fazer os quadros...
As a result, I ended up working on some UFOs (UnFinished Objects) I've had since I built my original dollhouse in 2008. Back then, I wanted to "hang" some paintings on the walls. I had already printed the images of the paintings I wanted to use. And with my first purchase from a specialized online miniature store in the US I included moldings for frames. They are about 15" long (?). I had my order delivered to the hotel where my brother was staying back then, so that I would save on international shipping costs. Would you believe that he had the "brilliant" idea of breaking the strips in pieces to fit them in the suitcase???? Aaarrghhh!!!! I was so angry and frustrated I never touched them again, up to now...
Bem, finalmente fiz as molduras, pintei, encaixei as imagens e coloquei nas paredes. Aí me dei conta que também estava enrolando para consertar a cama, que na mudança quebrou um dos "postes". Como eu não gostava deles, pois "entregavam" que era feito de compensado, acabei tirando os outros e colocando umas contas de madeira na mesma cor.
Well, I finally made the frames, painted, glued the images on and "hung" them on the walls. Then I realized that I had also been postponing fixing the bed. One of the 'posters' (?) had broken when I moved. Well, I didn't like them anyway, as they were an obvious "tell" that the bed was made from plywood, so I removed the remaining ones and replaced with some wooden beads.
Aí também quis mudar a colcha... Na época, não entendia nada de minis, fui aprendendo à medida em que montava os kits, e seguia as instruções à risca e só usava o material fornecido. O tecido não é algodão, é um poliéster. Agora, eu também achei um material que, apesar de ser de plástico, parece muito com crochê, e achei que ficaria melhor.
Then I also wanted to change the bed cover. Back then, I knew nothing about mini making, I learned as I put the kits together, and followed the instructions to the letter, never changing any material or finishing. The fabric provided was not cotton, I believe it's a polyester blend. But I have recently found a plastic material that really looks like crocheted, and I decided to try it on.
Agora foi a hora da cortina me incomodar... Por ser sintético, o tecido não tinha caimento algum, e ficava muito feio, amarrado com um laçarote amarelo. Usei o "pretty pleater", uma ferramenta de borracha que ajuda a fazer o caimento, e verniz em spray para fixar as novas curvas, pois o tecido sintético não aceita bem ser "trabalhado".
Now it was the curtains that bothered me... As the fabric was synthetic, the draping wasn't natural at all, and it looked really ugly, tied up with some yellow thick ribbon. I used "Pretty pleater" on the fabric, using varnish spray to hold the curves. It's not the best looking curtains ever, but I honestly think it looks much better than before!
Finalmente, foi hora de mexer no lustre. O original ficava pendurado por correntes, mas isto me incomodava muito, pois acabava ficando baixo demais. Então eliminei as correntes e colei direto no teto.
Finally, it was time to change the light fixture. The original one was supposed to be hanging from chains, but that really bothered me, as it was too low and we could see the wires. So I took the chains off and glued the "bowl" directly on the ceiling, as they would "be" in a Brazilian home (well, not glued on , but you get it... lol!)
Bem, assim ficou o novo quarto principal, que tal? Detalhes fazem mesmo a diferença?
Well, the pictures below show the "before" and "after" of the changes. How do you like it? Do small changes actually make any difference?
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A "antiga" versão do quarto, lado direito. The "old" version of the room, right side. |
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A "antiga" versão do quarto, lado esquerdo. The "old" version of the room, left side. |
A "nova" versão do quarto. The "new" version of the bedroom. |
A "nova" versão do quarto, lado esquerdo, mostrando quadros. The "new" version of the room, right side, showing pictures. |
A "nova" versão cama, luz natural. The "new" version of the bed, under natural light. |
A "nova" versão cama, com flash. The "new" version of the bed, under flash light. |
A "nova" versão do quarto, lado esquerdo. The "new" version of the bedroom, left side. |
A "nova" versão da cortina, note a antiga no detalhe no alto, à direita. The "new" version of the curtain, notice the old one on the small picture, top right. |