Ok, I know I said I wouldn't post about the store anymore! :) This is just, let's say, an addendum.
Quando planejava o interior da loja, há vários meses, pensei em incluir um banheiro. Achei um livro muito interessante que ensina a fazer banheiros antigos usando peças e achados.
When I was planning the interior of the store, several months ago, I thought about including a small water closet (lavatory). I found a very interesting book that teaches how to make period lavatories using found items.
Não segui nenhum dos tutoriais do livro, mas usei o princípio aplicado nos banheiros dele. Usei as peças abaixo, uma pia de louça que eu já tinha, madeira balsa e fiz as peças do banheiro.
I didn't copy any of the lavatories in the book, but I did apply the same principles to make my own. I used the parts below, a porcelain sink I already had, balsa wood and made the parts.
Cortei o plástico da embalagem de uma cola para fazer o reservatório de água. I cut the plastic of a glue blister to make the water tank. |
But, as I tested the layout, I realized an extra room inside for the lavatory would block the view to the interior of the store and take up a lot of space... So I gave up including one in the structure.
Mas não desisti das peças, já prontas. Sabe aquela porta falsa que coloquei na parede do fundo para as fotos? Então, adivinha o que há "atrás" dela?
But I didn't give up on the pieces I had already made. Remember that fake door I placed on the back wall of the store for the pictures? Guess where it "opens" to?
Isso mesmo! Usei as peças, imprimi um papel para a parede de azulejos e um para o piso, montei a caixa, usei uma moldura de retratos e pronto! Aqui está o banheiro do final do século 19...
That's right! I used the pieces I had made, printed the tiles for the walls & for the floor, assembled the box on foamboard, used a picture frame on the front and voilá! Here is the turn of the 19th century lavatory...
A vela é miniatura comprada, e o suporte são peças de bijuteria. The candle is a commercial miniature, the holder/sconce is made of findings. |
Well, I really doubt any 'regular' store back then would have such a fancy lavatory, but it was fun to make. :) How do you like it?