terça-feira, 2 de julho de 2013

Banheiro da loja - A lavatory for the store

Ok, eu sei que disse que não ia postar mais sobre a loja! :) Este é, digamos, um adendo somente.
Ok, I know I said I wouldn't post about the store anymore! :) This is just, let's say, an addendum. 

Quando planejava o interior da loja, há vários meses, pensei em incluir um banheiro. Achei um livro muito interessante que ensina a fazer banheiros antigos usando peças e achados. 
When I was planning the interior of the store, several months ago, I thought about including a small water closet (lavatory). I found a very interesting book that teaches how to make period lavatories using found items. 

Não segui nenhum dos tutoriais do livro, mas usei o princípio aplicado nos banheiros dele. Usei as peças abaixo, uma pia de louça que eu já tinha, madeira balsa e fiz as peças do banheiro.
I didn't copy any of the lavatories in the book, but I did apply the same principles to make my own. I used the parts below, a porcelain sink I already had, balsa wood and made the parts.

Cortei o plástico da embalagem de uma cola para fazer o reservatório de água.
I cut the plastic of a glue blister to make the water tank.
Porém, nos meus testes vi que ia tampar a visibilidade para o interior da loja e ocupar muito espaço... Então desisti de colocar banheiro na loja. 
But, as I tested the layout, I realized an extra room inside for the lavatory would block the view to the interior of the store and take up a lot of space... So I gave up including one in the structure.

Mas não desisti das peças, já prontas. Sabe aquela porta falsa que coloquei na parede do fundo para as fotos? Então, adivinha o que há "atrás" dela? 
But I didn't give up on the pieces I had already made. Remember that fake door I placed on the back wall of the store for the pictures? Guess where it "opens" to?

Isso mesmo! Usei as peças, imprimi um papel para a parede de azulejos e um para o piso, montei a caixa, usei uma moldura de retratos e pronto! Aqui está o banheiro do final do século 19... 
That's right! I used the pieces I had made, printed the tiles for the walls & for the floor, assembled the box on foamboard, used a picture frame on the front and voilá! Here is the turn of the 19th century lavatory...

A vela é miniatura comprada, e o suporte são peças de bijuteria.
The candle is a commercial miniature, the holder/sconce is made of findings.
Bem, duvido muito que alguma loja tivesse um banheiro chique, mas foi divertido fazer. :) Gostou?
Well, I really doubt any 'regular' store back then would have such a fancy lavatory, but it was fun to make. :) How do you like it? 


8 comentários:

  1. It looks GREAT! I added hallways on the back of my house, to give the impression of more space beyond.. iithink you made a good call!


  2. Hello Evelyne,
    I love it. It is just beautiful and I love the tiles and the sconces. Excellent work.
    Big hug,

  3. Ah sim! Não poderia mesmo desistir dessas peças tão lindas!
    O banheiro está lindo. :)

  4. Muito, muito chique! Arrasou de novo, Evelyne!

  5. Wow! The bathroom is gorgeous. I like the tiles.
    Greetings, Faby


  6. Acabei de conhecer o seu blog,achei lindo!!!Parabéns pelo talento maravilhoso!!! Visite-me:http://algodaotaodoce.blogspot.com.br/
    Siga-me e pegue o meu selinho!!!


    Beijos Marie.

  7. Hello Evelyne! Your lavatory is delightful! I am so impressed with the way that you made the various fixtures and fittings! I also have a book by Patricia King and her work is really good for enabling you to see the commonplace pieces as potential miniature material. She has some excellent ideas in her books and I am glad that you have shown the very creative and clever results of thinking outside the box! Well done!


    1. Thank you Elizabeth! Yes, her book is truly inspirational, it's a "must have" for all miniaturists.

      I tried to leave a comment on your blog, but Google won't let me, unless I change to Google Plus... :(

      But I wanted to say that I loved the collection of Willowcrests you found. What a group of talented miniaturists, wow! I didn't know some of them, so I was delighted to see each and every one of the links you listed. Thank you!!!



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