There will be one counter in my store. The cash register will go on it, and also the wrapping paper dispenser...
A caixa registradora é de resina branca que achei em uma das minhas lojas favoritas de produtos para artesanato aqui. Um belo achado, pois está bem na escala, o que é raro! Tudo o que tive que fazer é pintar para que parecesse de cobre ou latão:
The cash register was a white resin one I found at one of my favorite crafts stores here. Quite a finding, as it's right to scale, which is really rare! All I had to do was paint it to look like copper or brass:
Then I found this excellent tutorial for a paper dispenser by Sudene, and made my own version of it. If the counter didn't have a glass front, I would have made it open only from the back (no doors) and would have filled it with shopping bags. But, on a second thought, I realized that shopping bags were not common in Brazil. Very fancy boutiques may have them, but my store is a "regular" one... I lived in a small town in the countryside - where novelties used to take decades to arrive! Even TV shows would take a week or longer to be aired there, after being aired in the capital of the state - and even in the 70's most stores would wrap your items in brown or a "pinkish" paper. Nope, not even brown paper bags or plastic bags were supplied. They'd use adhesive tape in my time, so I guess twine was the regular stuff to tie the parcels, back in the 19th century, right?
Aí tive a idéia de fazer umas caixinhas de costura. Usei o mesmo princípio da técnica de "cartonnage", e um printável que achei no Pinterest, mas usei linha de verdade. Uma tesoura que tinha comprado em Chicago em 2010 e uma fita métrica (papel) enrolada. Não tirei fotos do processo porque fui fazendo na base da "tentativa e erro". Mais erros que tentativa, e tive que corrigir no caminho... Levei um tempão fazendo essa caixinha!!
Then I had this idea of making some sewing boxes for sale. I used the same technique used in cartonnage, and a printable I found on Pinterest, except that I used real thread for the threads. I had bought the scissor in Chicago in 2010 and the measure tape (paper) came with a sewing (patterns) printed kit. I didn't take pictures of the "making of" because it was a "trial & error" thing. More errors than trials, which I had to keep correcting along the way... It took a lot of time to make this little box!!!
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Printável que usei Printable I used (not my creation) |
Também fiz um "display" para exibir as tesouras à venda. As tesouras também foram compradas (em Chicago). Imagino que eram caras naquela época, por isso imagino que seriam exibidas como "jóias" :) Também montei o display sem planejar muito. Tentativa e (muitos) erros até chegar a isso:
I also made a display for the scissors for sale. Those were also bought in Chicago, I almost forgot I had them (2010). I imagine scissors would be expensive back then, therefore I thought that displaying them like "jewelry" would be a good idea :) the display itself was also made without careful planning. Trial & (loads of) errors until I got to this:Este balcão não fui eu quem fez. Comprei há uns 3 anos de uma loja nacional de miniaturas. Não gosto muito dele atualmente. Usaram vidro de verdade, o que faz com que fique grosso demais e fora da escala. Não lixaram muito a madeira antes de envernizar, o que a torna áspera ao toque. As bordas são muito "quadradas" em vez de ligeiramente "suaves" e arredondadas, como prefiro fazer. Deste jeito parecem tábuas de madeira recém-cortadas, na minha opinião... E não tem uma prateleria no meio... Como já disse antes para as telhas, fiquei mais exigente... :) Mas, como também aconteceu com as telhas, comprei para usar na loja, então vou usar!
I didn't make this counter. I bought it from a national miniature store. I'm not crazy about it now. They used real glass, which makes it really thick for scale. They didn't sand the wood as well as I usually do, so it feels rough to the touch. The edges are not "soft" (slightly rounded), as I like to make them. Too "square" like this makes it look just like recently cut wood, in my opinion. And there's no shelf in the middle... As I said for the tiles, the bar has been raised... :) But, like with the tiles, I bought it to use in the store, so I will!
Alguém fez alguma compra, já está até embrulhado e o troco esperando... Someone has already bought something: it's already been wrapped and the change is there, waiting... |
E então, o que achou?
What do you think?
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Obrigada! Thank you! |