Wow, what a day!... So much to do, so little time!
Acordamos bem cedo, pois tínhamos uma longa lista de atividades a cumprir. O Brasil é um país enorme, é impossível visitar tudo que há nele em uma simples viagem. Eu, que moro aqui há 47 anos, ainda não conheço tudo!... :)
We woke up very early, as we had a long 'to do' list. Brazil is a huge country, almost the size of a continent. It's impossible to know all the country in only one trip in a few days. Even I still don't know all of it, and I've been living here for 47 years...
Mas MJ e eu concordamos com o seguinte roteiro: vamos aproveitar ao máximo sua estadia e visitar uma cidade por dia!!! Serão 10 no total. Ainda há muitas outras cidades e lugares lindos a conhecer no Brasil, mas esta lista inicial é bem interessante, espero que vocês curtam também:
But MJ and I agreed on this: we decided to maximize her stay and visit one city a day!!! There will be 10. And there are many other cities and places to visit in Brazil, but this list below is very representative of the country and a good start, I hope you'll enjoy it too:
1) Uberlândia, onde moro.
2) Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná
3) Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul
4) São Paulo, capital
5) Rio de Janeiro, capital
6) Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais
7) Salvador, Bahia
8) Natal, Rio Grande do Norte
9) São Luís, Maranhão
10) Manaus, Amazonas
Assim que chegamos, passeamos de carro pela cidade. Foz do Iguaçu foi criada em 1914 e faz fronteira com dois outros países: Argentina e Paraguai. Tem mais de 300 mil habitantes e é uma das cidades com maior diversidade étnica e cultural no país (sim, é possível ser diferente e viver em paz!!!) :) Lá moram mais de 70 grupos étnicos de todas as partes do mundo, por exemplo: italianos, alemães, hispânicos (argentinos e paraguaios), chineses, ucranianos, japoneses e libaneses (é a segunda maior comunidade libanesa do Brasil) e a maior comunidade islâmica do Brasil.
As soon as we got to Foz do Iguaçu, we took a car tour around the city. It was founded in 1914 and borders two other countries: Argentina and Paraguai. It has over 300 thousand inhabitants and is one of the cities with the most diverse mix of ethnicity and different cultures (yes, it IS possible to be different and live in peace together!!!) :) More than 70 different ethnic groups from all over the world live there, like: Italian, German, Hispanics (Argentinians and Paraguayans), Chinese, Ucranian, Japanese, Lebanese (it's the second largest Lebanese community in Brazil) and the largest Muslim community in Brazil.
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Centro de Foz do Iguaçu Foz do Iguaçu downtown |
We made a quick stop at a gems store. MJ was so impressed by the size of the amethysts for sale that she insisted on posing inside one!
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Ametista e MJ MJ inside an amethyst |
But our main goal there was to visit the famous "Iguaçu Falls". It's very impressive! Click on the link on the name to read more about it (the page is in English). First we took 'tour of the track', were we could see the falls from a safe distance, yet close enough. MJ was so excited she wouldn't even wait for me to take pictures: "Come on, let's go!!!", she kept calling...
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Mapa do parque The park map |
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Vista aérea das cataratas. Panoramic view of the Falls. |
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MJ me apressando... :) MJ telling me to hurry up... :) |
Then she saw some 'lifeboats' (they looked like that from the distance...) down on water with people in and when I told her those were boat tours she insisted on taking one too, which totally surprised me by her courage and audacity. I agreed because, to be honest, I've always wanted to take that tour too... lol! The noise all that volume of water falling down makes is unbelievable, and there is a mist all around as a result of that. It's so remarkable, you should go too some day!
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O bote que saiu antes de nós... The boat that left before us... |
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MJ se divertiu MUITO! MJ had the time of her life! |
When the boat tour was finished, we needed to go to a more 'zen' place to calm down a little. So we visited the "Bird Park". There are lots of exotic birds there. And they are not kept in cages. There are all kinds of Macaws and other birds I have never heard about before. MJ's favorite bird ended up being the Toucan. At first she hesitated getting near one, due to the size of their beak and her small size... But when I told her they only eat fruit, she lost fear and sat quietly on the handrail. They got closer and closer. Brave girl! An unforgettable scene!
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A pequena Mini Jazzi entre os tucanos... Little Mini Jazzi between the toucans... |
Well, the sun set, it got colder, and we headed back to the hotel. Tomorrow, a new city waits for us!!!